4 Simple Steps to Finding Your Perfect Photographer on O‘ahu

Finding the perfect fit for anything can be hard, and finding the perfect photographer is not an exception. If you are a girl you understand. Sometimes finding the right photographer feels like trying on bathing suits. Am I right?!

It is challenging for many reasons.

  1. Getting your photos done professionally is an investment and it is hard to choose when you are spending that kind of money.

  2. Taking professional photos can feel really awkward. It is nerve wracking to get in front of a camera held by someone you may or may not know.

  3. There are SO many editing, posing, and shooting styles. It can be confusing to decide on what you really want.

Because we know this can be such a hard process, we have put together our 4 step process for finding the perfect photographer, specifically on O‘ahu. These steps might seem odd to you because they do not involve google, but we promise they work!

Step 1: Think about the style of photos that you want. Do you like lots of light and for your photos to be bright? Or do you like darker, more moody images? Do you like lots of candids or more posed photos? It is super important when answering these questions to think about what you will use these images for in the long run. Are they going on your walls in your home? Are you going to use them for your Christmas cards? Are they for you to remember your vacation? There is no wrong answer here. These are just things to think about when you are choosing the style of photography that you want!

Step 2: Keeping your answers to the question in step one in mind, search on Instagram using hashtags, like #oahuphotorgaphers, to find local photographers. Here, you will be able to see all different styles, locations, and posing in one place. On this page, something will catch your eye!

Step 3: When that happens, click on that photo and head to their Instagram page. Read their captions and watch their stories. Does it feel like you want to be friends with them? If not, go back to the hashtag page and look again. This step may be suppressing, but it is the MOST VITAL step! You DO NOT want to be photographed by someone you DO NOT think you will mesh well with. This is not a judge a book by its cover situation, this is an investment in an experience situation. You want to feel comfortable, safe, appreciated, and beautiful when you are getting your photos taken. There is a lot you can observe from an Instagram profile and we highly encourage you spend some time checking a few out before you make your final decision.

Step 4: Once you feel that friendship feeling and are absolutely in love with their work, give them a follow, head to their website to check out pricing, and inquire!

We hope that these tips were helpful for you, whether you are visiting O‘ahu or are a resident. If you are looking for a photographer and it sounds like we may be a good fit to capture your memories, send us a message at aloha@haleakalacreative.com or inquire on our Contact Page. We would LOVE to hear from you.

All of our Aloha,

Megan and Dallas


The Grill Family Session at Dog Beach


September Land + Sea Session